February 12, 2021
Chapter 24 will not be holding a Judges School this year, but IAC is hosting a two-day online judges school for the weekend of March 6-7.
–> Please pre-register at one or both of these links:
- Sat 3/6: Introduction to the IAC and Aresti Notation, https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4928482119415755024
- Sun 3/7: Practical Aerobatic Judging, https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6973559453428003344
Each session starts at 10am EST / 7am PST. The breaks short and the sessions should last 6-8 hours.
Several instructors will take turns presenting the material and answering questions.
All you need is a computer or smart phone and a decent internet connection.
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