CIVA Report by Mike Gallaway

January 26, 2022

The 2021 CIVA Pleanry meeting was once again held as an online meeting.   Actually it works very well albeit I have to wake up at 4am each day.

There were 27 Nations represented and 45 total participants if you include observers, Monique Hartman attended as an observer.

The official minutes will be available in the coming days, but I wanted to provide a brief synopsis for dissemination to the IAC BOD and LSAC and anyone else you see fit.

The 2022 CIVA Pleanry Meeting will be hled in Dallas, TX next November.

The WAC will be held in LESZNO, Poland July 30th-August 13th. Chief Judge is John Galliard and Mike Heuer is on the Jury.

The Judges will be named later. There is an application process that will take place in the coming weeks. I was voted on to the Rules Committee again…this is good news and makes 3 years no that I have been on the Rules Committee.

Mike Jeuer and Jim Bourke were both elected to the Catalogue Committee.

Nick B was elected as President of CIVA, he beat out John Galliard.

Many rule changes were adopted, mostly dealing with flick rolls in unlimited Unknowns, we basically added more options and incresed the number of allowable flicks in an Unlimited Unknowns from 6 to 8.

The Advanced unknown proposal to add vertical flicks was rejected.

The Free Known sequence sets approved are:
Power Unlimited = figure set A, this was the USA proposal
Power Advanced = Figure set F

Finally, Mike Heuer was awarded the Leon Biancotta Diploma Congratulations to Mike!

That’s all!


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