First Texas Championship Series Contest at Edna was a success!

April 27, 2021
The Early Bird Contest at Edna was the first contest of the Texas Championship Series!
The weather on Friday did not cooperate and the call by David Prather the CD to move the contest to Saturday and Sunday was a good one as the contest was a success!
We thank all the hard-working volunteers who came only to work-Janet Fitzke, Gary Walker, Jeff Poehlman, Lynn and Jeff Stoltenberg, Dwight Humphreys, Chrissy Jenkins, Maggie Richmond, Sheri Bethard and Courtney Hintz!
There were 17 participants and one from even as far as California, Sean Moran.
Chapter 24 had a strong contingent!  Here’s the results:
1st-Bo Kalabus
2nd-Mark Ciaglia
3rd-David Valaer
1st-Doug Jenkins
2nd-Todd Nelson
3rd-Jay Hanson


1st-Julia Wood
2nd-Klayton Kirkland
3rd-David Prather
1st- Debby Rihn-Harvey
2nd-Tony Wood
3rd-Curt Richmond
Grass Roots Champion:
Todd Nelson
American Champion Winner:
Denny Beacham


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