Hammerfest Contest in Llano, October 15-17 (KAQO)

August 3, 2020

Hammerfest 2020 is a go!  We have gone to school on best practices and discussed it as a Chapter and feel that we can hold a fun and safe contest.

Obviously we are not in possession of any crystal balls or precognitive ability so we are still unable to predict the future and we recognize that circumstances may change.  If they do we will utilize all means available to notify you of those changes.

The dates remain as previously advertised, so arrival/practice on Thursday 15 October with contest flying on Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th of October with Sunday the 18th as a weather back-up day.   The venue remains unchanged as well with Llano Municipal Airport (KAQO) hosting us.

Below are the rules of the road.  Please be advised we will adhere to all of these to make sure we meet all national, state, local and IAC guidance for our event.  If you are unwilling or unable to play by these rules we fully understand and invite you to please join us next year.

1.       You MUST pre-register for the contest via the IAC website (https://www.iac.org/contests) prior to Sunday, 11 October 2020.  This is non-negotiable.  We need to know who is attending so we can get paperwork together ahead of time in order to minimize groups of people in close proximity during the contest assembling paperwork on site.  If you pre-register and then decide you can’t attend that is fine, it’s non-binding, so PLEASE pre-register ASAP.

2.       Along the same lines you will need to send your signed/approved/legal free program (if applicable) to bagsf15@yahoo.com by the same deadline, but earlier is better.

3.       Briefings will be held outdoors to provide ventilation and allow plenty of space for physical distancing.  We will utilize the ramp, porch and/or hangar depending on weather.

4.       We will also “hang out” outdoors (starter’s tent, porch, hangar, under your airplane, etc.) to avoid being indoors in large groups.  We will NOT under any circumstances congregate in the FBO building as a herd.  If you need to go inside to use the potty that is approved.

5.       Bring a mask.  Wear your mask whenever appropriate (i.e. indoors or unable to maintain appropriate physical distancing).

6.       We will only post scores to the IAC website.  This will eliminate people crowding around paper.

7.       We will be using e-mail to distribute orders of flight, also to eliminate crowding around paper.

8.       There will be no formal group dinner or awards banquet.

9.       On the Judge’s Line we will mitigate risks in several ways.  We will be outdoors for a start!  Secondly we will space the Judges stations further apart so that we can put the assistant, judge and recorder further apart as well.  Having said all of that, we will happily accommodate requests to wear a mask.  This means that if your judge, recorder, or assistant would you like you to wear a mask, then this request will be honored.  The same rule applies to Judge’s Conferences or Jury meetings.  If any participant requests masks or if the meeting is indoors for any reason then masks WILL be worn.

10.   We will have hand sanitizer and disposable gloves at the hangar, Judge’s Line and starter’s tent.

11.   We will conduct temperature checks prior to each morning briefing.

12.   Please stay home if you don’t feel well.

Our dates should avoid the worst of the Texas heat and give everyone the chance to enjoy a contest before winter arrives.

In the interest of maximum participation we will also fly the “Legacy” category at our contest again this year if there is interest.  So, if you’re a semi-retired competition pilot get up off the couch and back in the game.  If you plan on competing as a Legacy Pilot please let me know so we can generate the appropriate actions.  See details on the Legacy Category here…The New IAC Legacy Category | International Aerobatic Club

Llano offers plenty of accommodations, both hotel and B&B.  While there is no official contest hotel many of the local options are affordable and convenient.  A quick perusal of several websites revealed the following options (in no particular order):

Best Western Llano $110 per night (325) 247-4101
Lone Star Inn $75 per night (325) 247-4111
Day’s Inn $121 per night (325) 247-1141
Llano Motel ?? (325) 247-5786

There were also numerous B&B type options in town and nearby.  Please do your research and choose the option that’s best for you.

Even with COVID-19 in the picture we still hope to have cookies, we will just enjoy them outside! Many pilots have reported that the main reason they make it to our contest is the cookies.  They are that good!

If you have questions, or need more information, contact our intrepid CD team of Doug and Chrissy Jenkins at bagsf15@yahoo.com OR txyogaprincess@yahoo.com or phone us at 210-485-8025 OR 210-485-8026.  We look forward to seeing you in Llano!

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