Hammerfest Contest Update! Llano (KAQO) Aug 17th

September 26, 2020
Greetings again Hammerfesters,
I have gotten some questions and I figured if one person was willing to ask several others were likely confused, so here is some clarification…
Q:  Do I need a hotel for Saturday night since Sunday is a weather back-up day?
A:  Totally up to you but odds are good that you will NOT need accommodations on Saturday.  The ONLY way I fly on Sunday is if we have NOT gotten one flight for each category on Friday and/or Saturday.  I will not spill over into Sunday just to get a second or third flight.
Q:  Is there a banquet or event on Saturday?
A:  No.  Even pre-COVID we had moved to handing out trophies as soon as flying wrapped up on Saturday and we will do so again this year.
Q:  Is the Primary sequence for 2020 the same as 2019?
A: Yes.
Now for some “Expectation Management”
After our Chapter Zoom Meeting on Tuesday here are some further updates…
Q:  Will you have Hammerfest 2020 T-shirts?
A:  No. We will have a selection of past year (most un-dated) shirts available on a first-come/first-served basis.  We will also have some other gift items, but NOT t-shirts.  Sorry, it’s been a weird year.
Q:  Will there be the usual pizza party on Thursday?
A:  No.  This one hurts but, again, 2020 is just not a normal year.  Hopefully we can get back to normal next year, but for 2020 this seems like a risk we can eliminate.  There will still be plenty of opportunity to socialize during the contest.
Q: Are you really going to require masks on the Judge’s line?
A: Yes.  this is in consultation with several medical professionals.  The pain should be minimal.  If this prevents you from being a Judge’s Line Volunteer please let me know directly.
Answers to more questions…
Q:  Do we need to send multiple copies of Frees?
A:  No.  Just send it digitally and we will make copies.
Q:  What if my scanner is broken?
A:  You can mail your free (or any of your other paperwork) to me if you need to.  I will give you my mailing address a few more lines down.
Q:  Can I send you a check now to pay instead of having to do that on site?
A:  Absolutely.  We will hold and not cash the check until the contest actually happens.  This will prevent issues in case of broken airplanes, broken schedules, bad weather or crazy world events.  Again, stand by for my mailing address.
Q:  Are there any rental cars available in Llano?
A:  No.  However the airport has several crew cars.  Also many of the local members will have vehicles available.  As in every past year we will not leave anyone stranded.
Q: I am interested in flying the Legacy Category, is that an option?
A: I just, this morning, heard of this potential so I have created the Hill Country Hammerfest (Legacy) contest on the IAC website.  If you want to fly Legacy please register for the Legacy Contest.
Q:  What is your mailing address?
A:  Please let me know if you plan on mailing me something so I know not to expect it electronically.
Perhaps most importantly…
Q; Will you have enough hangar space for all of those airplanes?  This is the biggest Hammerfest, like, ever!
A: I sure hope so.  I have already obtained emergency back-up overflow hangar space and I am working on tertiary emergency plans.  However, if your airplane has tie-down rings there is a chance she may stay on the ramp.  We will start with volunteers then go in inverse order of dollar value (just kidding on that $ value part, we will sort it out).
Greetings Hammerfesters,
Thanks to all of you for signing up for our contest.  I know this is a weird year and your participation means more than it usually would. Here’s the good news…due to the overwhelming response we certainly have enough pilots and judges to have a contest!
The bad news…we are only twelve days out from the deadline for registration and sending your free to me!
I am attaching a couple of documents to this e-mail to make all of our lives easier.
First is the preliminary order-of-flight and volunteer roster.  Please look at this carefully.  If I have put you somewhere (either flying or volunteering) that is just not quite right then please let me know.  Also, if you notice the absence of a name of someone you think is planning to attend that means they have not yet registered.  Please remind them that the deadline is rapidly approaching and that this year there will be no way to just show up and fly…we NEED them to pre-register!
Second is the registration packet. Please fill this out and send it back.  I don’t care if you print it, ink it, scan it and send it back or fill it in electronically but please fill out ALL of the applicable paperwork, to include signatures, and return it by 4 October.
Third order of business…if applicable I need your Free Program sent to me at [email protected] also by 4 October.
Fourth order of business…a reminder of our ever evolving mitigation measures…
–You MUST pre-register for the contest via the IAC website (Contests | International Aerobatic Club) prior to Sunday, 4 October 2020.  This is non-negotiable.  We need to know who is attending so we can get paperwork together ahead of time in order to minimize groups of people in close proximity during the contest assembling paperwork on site.  If you pre-register and then decide you can’t attend that is fine, it’s non-binding, so PLEASE pre-register ASAP.
–Along the same lines you will need to send your signed/approved/legal free program (if applicable) to [email protected] by the same deadline, but earlier is better.
–Briefings will be held outdoors to provide ventilation and allow plenty of space for physical distancing.  We will utilize the ramp, porch and/or hangar depending on weather.
–We will also “hang out” outdoors (starter’s tent, porch, hangar, under your airplane, etc.) to avoid being indoors in large groups.  We will NOT under any circumstances congregate in the FBO building as a herd.  If you need to go inside to use the potty that is approved.  Bring a mask.
–Wear your mask whenever appropriate (i.e. indoors or unable to maintain appropriate physical distancing).
–We will only post scores to the IAC website.  This will eliminate people crowding around paper.
–We will be using e-mail to distribute orders of flight, also to eliminate crowding around paper.
–There will be no formal group dinner or awards banquet.
–On the Judge’s Line we will mitigate risks in several ways.  We will be outdoors for a start!  Secondly we will space the Judges stations further apart so that we can put the assistant, judge and recorder further apart as well.  Having said all of that, we will require masks be worn on the Judges Line.  The same rule applies to Judge’s Conferences or Jury meetings.
–We will have hand sanitizer and disposable gloves at the hangar, Judge’s Line and starter’s tent.
–If riding in a vehicle with people not in your immediate travelling party, masks will be worn.
–We will conduct temperature checks prior to each morning briefing.
–Please stay home if you don’t feel well.
Fifth order of business…hotels.  Llano is somewhat of a deer hunting mecca and our contest overlaps with deer season.  I highly recommend booking your room sooner rather than later.
Here are the options I know of…
Best Western Llano  (325) 247-4101
Lone Star Inn  (325) 247-4111
Day’s Inn  (325) 247-1141
Llano Motel  (325) 247-5786

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