Lone Star Contest Recap!

May 17, 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Chapter’s Contest!!  We had a great turnout: 33 competitors and almost that many volunteers and newcomers! We were blessed with beautiful, but windy weather  even though bracketed before and after by rain! Most airplanes left for home Saturday after the contest to beat the rain so the award ceremony was conducted immediately following the flying at the airport. Nonetheless, 37 of us still attended the banquet at The Library and many of those who could, flew their airplanes home and drove back to enjoy the camaraderie, drinks and good food!

We especially thank those who came solely to help run the contest and volunteer.  Without you it would not be possible!  Kathleen Moore, our registrar, and Steff Vidrine, our scorer, spent many hard hours in the back office conducting a smoothly run contest! A big thank you to Mike Plyler’s generous hospitality for donating his hangar and office space for us!

The coveted Belt Buckles went to
John Hale, Mike Hoy, Craig Fitzgerald and Pat Clark!! Congratulations!

Grass Roots Achievement Flight Medal-Doug Jenkins
American Champion Aircraft Flight Medal-Kent Willer
Highest Scoring Biplane Medal-Doug Jenkins
First Time Competitors-John Hale, Kent Willer

We had a crooked raffle drawing…Mike Gallaway won the Hooker Harness!
The David Clark DC One-X was won by Bill Barnard.

We thank our sponsors: Hooker Harness, David Clark, MT Propellers, A-American Self Storage Sherman, The Tom Rhodes Group!!

Here are the results:
-Jeff Cain (patch only)
1-John Hale

1-Mike Hoy
2-Bo Kalabus
3-David Lutes
4-David Valaer
5-Jeff Cain
6-Oliver Spatschech
7-Kent Willer
8-Jaret Burgess
9-DR Bales
10-Rene Dugas
11-Aaron Nahale
12-Gary James

1-Craig Fitzgerald
2-Erick McDaniel
3-Doug Jenkins
4-Tom Rhodes
5-Mike Plyler
6-Jay Hanson
7-Todd Nelson
8-Bill Barnard

1-Curt Richmond
2-Tony Wood
3-Herman Dierks

1-Pat Clark
2-Klayton Kirkland
3-Chris Mago
4-Mike Gallaway
5-David Prather
6-Nick Slabakov
7-Julia Wood
8-Darren Behm

Here is the Chapter 12 News Story on the event by Kylee Dedmon



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