New Reworked 2020 IAC Rulebook!! This is OUR chance to make changes!!

November 29, 2019

This is a message from Jim Bourke. He has done a incredible job reworking our massive rule book. Now is you chance to weigh in with any changes to the new rule book.

I’ve just released a version of the re factored rule book for member comment. It is a surprisingly lightweight 96 page document
There were many ambiguities and conflicts to resolve. This effort was too large to track changes across each of the drafts. Please review the document carefully and alert me of any issues.
Let me state for the record that DJ Molny was an outstanding team member. He performed the heavy lifting on the Unknown figure tables and contributed around 300 useful comments across a dozen drafts over the last three weeks. I hope his impressive efforts lay the groundwork for a successful member comment period.  Attached is the MEMBER COMMENT EDITION of the REWORKED 2020 IAC RULEBOOK

IAC Rulebook 2020

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